Child and youth safety
The safety of children and young people is very important.
At Relationships Australia Victoria, we want to make sure children feel safe and welcome at all times. Any type of abuse against children or young people is not okay.
We have rules in place to help keep children and young people safe. We also train our staff so they can help and support you, and keep you safe.
Our commitment to the safety of children and young people
Find out what to expect from us when you visit or use our services.

Children and Young People’s Safety Code of Conduct
Everyone who works for us at Relationships Australia Victoria (RAV) is expected to behave in ways that keep children and young people (aged 25 and under) safe.
This Code of Conduct explains what our staff, volunteers and students will and won’t do, when working with children and families.

How to make a complaint
Information for children, young people and families
If you are not happy with a service that a child or young person aged 25 or under received from us at Relationships Australia Victoria, you have the right to make a complaint.

View our services for children, young people and families

All child and family services
We offer a range of specialised services to support children, young people and their families at different stages of their lives.

We provide counselling services for couples, parents, families and individuals, including children and young people. Learn more

early matters
Promoting and supporting healthy, safe, family relationships through educational programs for parents and children living in specific areas of Ballarat and Sunshine.

Family dispute resolution (family mediation)
We help couples who are separating to resolve their family law disputes including those related to parenting and/or property and financial matters.

Groups for children, young people and parents
Programs for parents and children about good communication, emotional development and managing conflict.

headspace Bairnsdale
We're proud to support young people's wellbeing through our headspace Bairnsdale centre.

headspace Sale
We're proud to support young people's wellbeing through our headspace Sale service.

headspace Wonthaggi
We're proud to support the mental health and wellbeing of young people in Bass Coast and South Gippsland through our headspace Wonthaggi centre.

Our Family Mental Health Support Service in East Gippsland.

I like, like you
Preventative programs for primary and secondary schools that promote the connection between healthy relationships and emotional health and wellbeing.

Parenting After Separation Seminar program
This program provides parents with key information and strategies to assist children to successfully adjust to separation and/or associated conflict.

Support for Fathers
Our national project supporting dads and father-figures. We provide resources, information sessions for dads, and professional training for workplaces and service providers.