Presentations, webinars and publications
We're committed to knowledge sharing and contributing to sector-wide continuous improvement. We regularly share our research and evaluation learnings at conferences and events and through webinars and podcasts.
Alford D (14 June 2024) ‘Working with separated dads and father-figures' [conference presentation], Australian Institute of Family Studies Conference, Melbourne.
Heard G, Bickerdike A, Lindstrom J, Velasquez-Tan M, Hayes L, Moran C, Tom L and Bishop L (4 September 2023) ‘Lawyer-Assisted Family Dispute Resolution: evaluating outcomes from a partnership model’ [conference presentation], National Mediation Conference, Wellington, New Zealand.
Heard G, Lohan A, Petch J, Milic J and Bickerdike A (12 June 2024) ‘A tick-box exercise? Benefits of mandatory FDR for ambivalent clients’ [conference presentation], Australian Institute of Family Studies Conference, Melbourne.
Heard G, Smyth BM, Payne JL, Irving MA and Althor G (16 October 2023) ‘Post-separation co-parenting apps: what should practitioners know?’ [conference presentation], Partnership of Victorian Family Relationship Centres Good Practice Forum.
Heard G and Velasquez-Tan M (14 June 2024) ‘The child’s voice in Family Dispute Resolution: Rethinking existing practices with evidence’ [conference presentation], Australian Institute of Family Studies Conference, Melbourne.
Heard G, Zeleznikow J, Maxwell C, Wilson-Evered E and Bickerdike A (16 May 2024) ‘The use and misuse of communication technologies among separated parents: understanding clients and future-proofing services’ [conference presentation], Family and Relationship Services Australia National Conference, Melbourne.
McCord L and Pepperell L (14 May 2024) ‘The Diffuse program – respectful relationships in prisons’ [conference presentation], Family and Relationship Services Australia National Conference, Melbourne.
Opoku S (26 October 2023) ‘Working with evaluation finding for continuous improvement’, Australian Institute of Family Studies, Evidence and Evaluation Support, Evaluator Community of Practice, Victoria.
Heard G, Bickerdike A and Hebblewhite M (2024) ‘Practitioner Impartiality and Client Self-determination in a Court-ordered, Lawyer-assisted Property Conciliation Model’, Australasian Dispute Resolution Journal, 33(1).
Heard G, Lee E, Khoo ST and Bickerdike A (2023) ‘Revisioning Acrimony: The Development and Validation of Short Scales Measuring Relationship Hostility and Parental Co-Operativity’, Journal of Divorce & Remarriage, 64(2–4):173–197, doi:10.1080/10502556.2023.2242752.
Heard G, Lohan A, Petch J, Milic J and Bickerdike A (2024) ‘Participation, agreement and reduced acrimony through family mediation: Benefits for the ambivalent client in a mandatory setting’, Conflict Resolution Quarterly, 41(4):1–18, doi:10.1002/crq.21426.
Irving MA, Heard G, Smyth BM, Payne JL and Althor G (2023) ‘Post-separation parenting apps in the hands of family law practitioners: expectations versus experience’, International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family, 37(1), doi:10.1093/lawfam/ebad027.
Opoku S and Heard G (2024) ‘Adapting a men’s behaviour change program to online delivery using a developmental evaluation approach’, Evaluation Journal of Australasia, 24(1):40–55, doi:10.1177/1035719X231204392.
Opoku S (13 March 2024) ‘How developmental evaluation can be used to develop and adapt social service programs’ [webinar], Australian Institute of Family Studies, accessed 12 August 2024.
Relationships Australia Victoria (October 2023) 'Social Impact Report 2023', Relationships Australia Victoria, Melbourne, Victoria.
- Alford D (16 May 2023) ‘Engaging fathers in the first 1000 days’ [conference presentation], FRSA National Conference, Queensland.
- Bickerdike A (18 November 2022) ‘The “unheard”: children of separating parents’, ANU Family Law Research Symposium, Canberra.
- Goldstein A (27 July 2022) ‘The challenges for engaging men who use violence’ [conference presentation] ANROWS Focus on Men Who Use Violence Conference, Victoria.
- Goldstein A (2 March 2023) ‘Working with clients to promote behaviour change’, Mental Health Professionals Network meeting, Caulfield, Victoria
- Heard G and Bickerdike A (November 2022) ‘Failure to launch: barriers to initiating property FDR,’ ANU Family Law Symposium, Canberra.
- Heard G, Lindstrom J, Velasquez-Tan M, Hayes L, Moran C, Tom L and Bishop L (16 May 2023) ‘Lawyer-assisted family dispute resolution: addressing barriers to participation through a partnership model’ [conference presentation], FRSA National Conference, Queensland.
- Moore R (16 May 2023) ‘FDR services and mental health’, Mental Health Professionals Network meeting, Online for professionals across Australia.
- Opoku S, Laidlaw B & Gilbert N (20 June 2023) ‘A collaborative approach to strengthening family relationships in the City of Yarra’, OPEN Forum, Victoria.
- Plavljanic D and March A (16 May 2023) ‘Mediating with rainbow families’ [conference presentation], FRSA National Conference, Queensland.
- Plavljanic D (17 May 2023) ‘Working with a correctional cohort: Maintaining healthy and respectful relationships’ [conference presentation], FRSA National Conference, Queensland.
- Smyth BM, Althor G and Heard G (17 May 2023) ‘Post-separation parenting smartphone apps: risks and benefits’ [symposium], FRSA National Conference, Queensland.
- Creek M (30 November 2022) ‘Parenting orders: Research on compliance and enforcement and insights from practice’ [webinar], AIFS and ANROWS webinar series, Australia
- Heard G, Irving M, Althor G, Smyth B and Payne J (3 November 2022) ‘Post-separation parenting smartphone apps: Can they help families avoid conflict?’ [webinar], Relationships Australia.
- Burns A & Keeble B (hosts) (17 May 2023) ‘Dom Alford – Support for Fathers’ [podcast], Dads Group Podcast, Spotify, accessed 9 June 2023.
- Kendall, J (host) (14 November 2022) ‘The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on divorce rates in Australia’ [radio program], Mornings, ABC, accessed 14 November 2022.
Heard G, Irving MA, Smyth BM, Payne JL and Althor G (2023) ‘Risks and benefits of post-separation parenting apps: perceptions of family law professionals in Australia and New Zealand’, Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law, 45(2):143–164. http://doi.org/10.1080/09649069.2023.2206225.
Long KM, Casey K, Bhar S, Al Mahmud A, Curran S, Hunter K and Lim MH (2022) ‘Understanding perspectives of older adults on the role of technology in the wider context of their social relationships’, Ageing & Society, 1–24. doi: https://doi.org/10.1017/S0144686X2200085X.
Smyth BM, Payne JL, Irving M and Heard G (2023) ‘Popular post-separation parenting apps: an examination’, Family Court Review, 61(3): 563–585. https://doi.org/10.1111/fcre.12738.
Payne JL, Smyth BM, Irving M, Heard G and Althor G (2022) ‘Family law professionals’ views of postseparation parenting apps’, International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family, 36(1). https://doi.org/10.1093/lawfam/ebac029
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Research and evaluation
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Current projects
We're currently undertaking research and evaluation projects across a range of areas related to family relationships.

Family dispute resolution: What the research says
Through continuous research and evaluation, we continue to refine family dispute resolution (FDR) and demonstrate its profound and positive impact.

Our dedicated research and evaluation team
Driving collaborative design, development and implementation of our outcome measurements and evaluations.

Previous projects
For over a decade, we've conducted a wide range of research and evaluation projects, including major projects funded by the Australian Research Council.

Research and evaluation summaries
These summaries are designed to share the outcomes of key projects and initiatives relating to our services, clients and community needs.

Relationship Indicators 2022
View the results of our nationally representative survey into the state of relationships in Australia.