Respect and Connect
A skills-based schools’ program for students on healthy relationships, gender equality, mental wellbeing, communication and managing emotions.
Healthy relationships are fundamental to health and wellbeing, and the secondary school years give a key opportunity for young people to learn about healthy relationships, gender equality, and social and emotional learning - knowledge that will support them through life. In working with young people today, we’re aiming to reduce and prevent family violence and mental health issues for the next generation.
We’ve been delivering our Respect and Connect (previously known as ‘I like, like you’) program since 2014. Since then, more than 12,000 students across Victoria have taken part in our innovative program.
Our program content aligns with the Victorian Government Department of Education and Training’s Respectful Relationships Curriculum; as well as the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority’s (ACARA) Personal and Social Capability, and Mental Health and Wellbeing, curriculum.
Our Respect and Connect program is unique from other respectful relationships programs in its focus on healthy relationships and gender equality, as well as mental wellbeing.
It is delivered by qualified facilitators who are experienced in working with young people and their mental wellbeing and ensure a supportive and safe environment for students to learn and develop. The program supports a whole-of-school approach and includes information sessions and materials for parents and teachers, further reinforcing key messaging and learnings.
Research and evidence on young people’s development highlights early to mid-adolescence as a time when young people form new ideas and beliefs about their identities and the world around them. They’re also increasingly susceptible to influences from peers and social media.
We recognise that schools and student groups can experience a range of issues related to gender equality, respectful relationships and behaviours, and mental health. We work in partnership with schools to identify your needs and challenges, so we can tailor our program to meet these wellbeing needs.
We’re committed to delivering programs that make a positive impact and we continually evaluate and strengthen the evidence base of Respect and Connect.
Why choose us?

Unique focus on healthy relationships,
gender equality & mental wellbeing

Aligns with Victorian Government
& ACARA curriculum

Evidence-informed &
continuously evaluated


Delivered by our qualified,
experienced facilitators

Over 12,000 Victorian
students have participated
Students undertake interactive, skills-based activities that support them to:
- build social and emotional learning which is a foundation for preventing family violence and enhancing mental wellbeing
- increase awareness of healthy relationships
- understand gender equality
- improve communication skills and self-awareness
- practice resolving conflict in a safe, supervised environment.
When young people have good social and emotional knowledge and skills, they are better resourced to have healthy relationships and good mental health, now and in the future.
Program topics
Session 1: Relate
Relationship health check
- How to identify red, orange and green flags
- Healthy, unhealthy and abusive relationships
- Your own needs and values
- Understanding boundaries
Session 2: Respect
Gender equality and stereotypes
- Gender stereotypes
- Equality and power
- How gender stereotypes can impact us
Session 3: Regulate
Emotional intelligence and mental wellbeing
- What are emotional intelligence skills?
- How can neuroscience help us learn to manage our emotions?
- What is mindfulness?
- Where can young people find support for their mental wellbeing?
Session 4: Reconnect
Communication and conflict resolution
- Skills and strategies for dealing with conflict
- Challenging online hate and creating a positive online world
- What to do when a relationship ends
Respect and Connect is delivered:
- over 4 x 60-minute or 90-minute sessions
- to individual class groups of up to 25 students
- on site at schools
- by 2 skilled and experienced co-facilitators.
To support students’ learnings and the development of practical skills, the program provides:
- opportunities for interactive, experiential activities with handouts and multimodal exercises that can be adapted for different learning levels and abilities
- a safe, supportive, equitable and inclusive learning environment that actively demonstrates the aspects of healthy relationships
- opportunities for explorative discussion, and examples of positive role models
- an optional whole-of-school approach, including information sessions for parents and teachers on the program’s objectives and learning outcomes, to reinforce key messages.
We’re currently offering a limited number of subsidised programs to schools across Melbourne.
Program outcomes
Our program is designed to increase awareness and skills development to support young people’s mental wellbeing and prevent family violence.
Evidence shows us that social and emotional skills such as those that underpin the Respect and Connect curriculum, are the foundation of healthy relationships and improved mental health and wellbeing, now and into the future.
The Respect and Connect program seeks to enhance students’ social and emotional learning. It provides a practice ground for practical tools and skills that will aid their abilities in fostering healthy relationships now and into their future. This helps to reduce the risk of students experiencing unhealthy relationships, mental health issues and family violence later in life.
We continually evaluate Respect and Connect and adapt the program in response to emerging evidence, and feedback from young people and their school communities. Data from students and teachers consistently demonstrates that there are positive improvements in program-related indicators after completing Respect and Connect, including:
- positive improvements in communication
- enhanced conflict resolution skills
- an increased understanding of emotions, empathy, and healthy and unhealthy relationship behaviours.
Students have told us that the most important skills and knowledge gained during the program relate to:
- improved communication and conflict resolution skills
- an increased understanding of emotions, empathy and self-regulation
- increased knowledge about healthy and unhealthy relationships
- increased understanding of gender stereotypes, equality and power
- an understanding of how to get support.
'I learned that emotional intelligence is being aware of your feelings and emotions and knowing how to control them.' - Student
'Communication is crucial in a relationship.' - Student
'The program affirms and supports other conversations and activities the students do in the curriculum. It gives students an opportunity to have a voice, to consolidate learning about respectful relationships and communication.' - Educator
Find out more
We welcome enquiries about our Respect and Connect program.
Please contact Eva Kaufman, Coordinator Child and Parenting Groups via the details below.
- Phone (03) 8573 2219
- Email [email protected]
- Complete the enquiry form below.
Learn more about our services for children and families

Child and youth safety
Keeping children and young people safe is a priority at Relationships Australia Victoria. View our statement of commitment and Code of Conduct to learn more.

Child and parenting groups
Programs for parents, children and young people about good communication, emotional development and managing conflict.

Connect Me
Free counselling and support for 4-11-year-old children in Gippsland experiencing mental health challenges such as anxiety, distress and trouble sleeping.

early matters
Promoting and supporting healthy, safe, family relationships through educational programs for parents and children living in specific areas of Ballarat and Sunshine.

headspace Bairnsdale
We're proud to support young people's wellbeing through our headspace Bairnsdale centre.

headspace Sale
We're proud to support young people's wellbeing through our headspace Sale service.

headspace Wonthaggi
We're proud to support the mental health and wellbeing of young people in Bass Coast and South Gippsland through our headspace Wonthaggi centre.

Our Family Mental Health Support Service in East Gippsland.

Support for Fathers
Our national project supporting dads and father-figures. We provide resources, information sessions for dads, and professional training for workplaces and service providers.

Youth Enhanced Service - Gippsland
Free mental health and wellbeing support for young people aged 12 to 25 years in Gippsland.