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A smiling child showing her parent something on her phone.

Tuning in to Teens® (Ballarat/ Sunshine) - early matters

A free, 6-week program to help parents/carers in specific areas of Ballarat and Sunshine to support your teen to develop emotional intelligence and conflict management skills.


Backed by evidence-based research, over 6 weeks you’ll develop key skills to:

  • communicate with your teen
  • recognise and respond to your teen’s emotions
  • help your teen learn to manage their emotions
  • teach your teen how to deal with conflict

Teenage children of parents who learn and regularly practice these skills are more likely to:

  • be more aware, assertive and strong in situations of peer pressure
  • have fewer mental health or substance abuse difficulties
  • be more likely to turn to their parents for help when they are facing challenging issues
  • have greater career success - emotional intelligence may be a better predictor of academic and career success than IQ!

Who can attend

Parents and caregivers of tweens and teens aged between 10 and 16 who live in Ballarat and specific areas of Sunshine (Delahey and Kings Park).

The early matters program is funded by the Australian Government Department of Social Services.


6 x weekly 1.5-hour group sessions. No groups are currently scheduled.

Contact us

To express your interest in upcoming groups or to find out more, contact our early matters Ballarat team:
Phone: (03) 5337 9222
Email: [email protected]


No groups are currently scheduled. Please contact us to express your interest in future groups.

Free of charge. Bookings are essential as places are limited.
We provide online groups and face-to-face groups.

Express your interest

Please note: We are funded to provide this program to families in Ballarat, and specific areas of Sunshine (Delahey and Kings Park).

form section
Please enter the date that this program starts.
Tick the box to confirm that you understand.
Enter the country where you were born.
We want to make sure that we’re using your correct pronouns. Please let us know how you would like to be referred to. (Pronouns are words that we use to refer to people when we’re not using their name. Examples include she, he, they, xe, and ze. Some people don’t use pronouns at all, preferring to be referred to by name.)
Enter more information about how you describe your cultural origin
Please enter your preferred contact number without spaces.
Enter your street address, including any unit or level details.
Enter the Traditional Country where you live.
Enter the suburb where you live.
Enter the postcode where you live.
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Enter details of how you found out about Relationships Australia Victoria.
Add any additional details, comments or questions in this section, for example, any communication preferences you have, or when (during business hours) you would prefer to be contacted.
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Personal information collected by Relationships Australia Victoria is treated as confidential and is protected by the Privacy Act 1988. All personal information that is collected is stored securely and made safe from unauthorised access, loss, misuse, modification or disclosure. More information is available at www.rav.org.au/privacy. Please tick the box to confirm that you understand and give permission. *

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