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A father potting a plant with his son.

Tuning in to Kids® for Dads

A FREE, 6-week group for dads to develop and enhance your parenting skills, focusing on building your relationship with your child.

Do you:

  • have a child aged 3 to 12 years?
  • have difficulty managing your child’s behaviour?
  • want to strengthen your parenting skills?
  • want to learn ways to better connect with your child?
  • feel concerned about the level of conflict in your home?

This course teaches dads:

  • to be better aware of and to regulate your own emotions
  • to be aware of your child's emotions
  • to use your child's emotional experiences as an opportunity for closeness and teaching
  • skills to help your child verbally name their emotions
  • skills to help your child to problem-solve
  • to guide your child's behaviour with appropriate limits.


Who can attend?

We are funded to provide this program to fathers of children aged 3 to 12 years who have a connection to any of the following areas:

  • City of Boroondara
  • Shire of Cardinia
  • City of Casey
  • Greater Dandenong City
  • City of Hobsons Bay
  • City of Keilor
  • City of Brimbank
  • City of Manningham
  • City of Melbourne
  • Melton
  • Bacchus Marsh
  • City of Monash
  • City of Greater Shepparton.

Please note: This program is not suitable for men who use, or have used, violence in their relationships. If this applies to you, please phone our Cranbourne North Centre on (03) 5911 5400 to find out how we can support you or view our upcoming programs for men who use family violence.


6 x weekly 2-hour group sessions. No groups are currently scheduled.

Other information

A brief telephone assessment will be held prior to the group, to confirm that this group is suitable for your circumstances.

Please note: Only parents and carers can attend programs. Children cannot be present during groups.

Contact us

Cranbourne Centre
Phone: (03) 5990 1900
Email: [email protected] 


No groups are currently scheduled. Please contact us to express your interest in future groups.

Free of charge. Bookings are essential as places are limited.
We provide online groups and face-to-face groups.

Express your interest

This program is not suitable for men who have used or currently use violence in their relationships. If this applies to you, please phone our Cranbourne North Centre on (03) 5911 5400 to talk about how we can support you.

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Please explain what you are hoping to get out of the course and include any additional details, concerns or questions in this section such as any urgency or your next court date.
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