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Two parents cooking while their children sit at the end of the bench.

Tuning in to Kids® for multicultural families (Greater Dandenong)

A free, 6-week group for multicultural parents and carers in Greater Dandenong to develop and enhance your parenting skills, focusing on building your relationship with your child.

This group will help you to:

  • be more aware of and regulate your own emotions
  • be more aware of your child’s emotions
  • use your child’s emotional experiences as an opportunity for closeness and teaching
  • teach your child skills to verbally name their emotions
  • teach your child skills to solve problems
  • guide your child’s behaviour with appropriate limits.


Who can attend?

Parents and carers with children aged 12 years and under who have a connection to the Greater Dandenong area. 

You can come on your own or with another person who cares for your child.

Our multicultural facilitators will use simple English during sessions. Please contact us if you need an interpreter in your own language.

Please note: We will provide child-minding support and refreshments.


Contact us

To express your interest in upcoming groups or to find out more, contact our Cranbourne Centre. You can:


Tuning in to Kids® is provided by Relationships Australia Victoria as part of Mission Australia’s Communities for Children initiative, with funding from the Australian Government Department of Social Services.


6 x 2-hour sessions, held during school hours.

Free of charge. It's important to book your place.
In the City of Greater Dandenong.

Express your interest

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We want to make sure that we’re using your correct pronouns. Please let us know how you would like to be referred to. (Pronouns are words that we use to refer to people when we’re not using their name. Examples include she, he, they, xe, and ze. Some people don’t use pronouns at all, preferring to be referred to by name.)
Enter more information about how you describe your cultural origin.
Please enter your preferred contact number without spaces.
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Please explain what you are hoping to get out of the course and include any additional details, concerns or questions in this section.
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Personal information collected by Relationships Australia Victoria is treated as confidential and is protected by the Privacy Act 1988. All personal information that is collected is stored securely and made safe from unauthorised access, loss, misuse, modification or disclosure. More information is available at www.rav.org.au/privacy. Please tick the box to confirm that you understand and give permission. *

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