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Men's Behaviour Change Program

A free, 20-session group program for men who want to change their behaviour.

Are you ready to make a change?

This free program is for adult men who have used violent, harmful or controlling behaviour towards family members, including partners and/or children, and would like help managing their behaviour.

Is this program right for you?

Take a moment to reflect on your relationships with your current/former partner, children and family members. In these relationships, have you behaved in any of the ways listed below?

  • Criticised, belittled, or humiliated them, either privately or in front of others.
  • Said things to frighten.
  • Been extremely jealous, such as unfairly accusing them of paying too much attention to another person.
  • Stopped them from doing something they wanted, such as seeing friends or working.
  • Controlled your shared finances so they were dependent on you, or stopped them from using money for their own purposes.
  • Threatened harm, like using weapons, or hurting a pet.
  • Pressured or forced them to have sex when they didn’t want to.
  • Used physical force, such as hitting, slapping, pushing or pulling their hair.
  • Used your children to control or manipulate a partner or family member.
  • Harmed your children or controlled them in ways that are not healthy and supportive of their development.

If you answered yes to any of these questions, and you’re ready to take responsibility for your actions and would like help to change, our men’s behaviour change program can help.

How can an MBCP help?

Programs aim to:

  • help you take responsibility for using violence
  • give you a safe space to explore and reflect on your attitudes and beliefs that may influence your use of violence
  • increase your understanding of how your violent behaviour impacts your partner, children and family members
  • help you make changes to develop safe, healthy and more respectful relationships.

How are groups provided?

We run in-person groups from our centres in Boronia, Cranbourne North, Kew, Shepparton and Sunshine. Some centres offer online groups.

How much does it cost?

There’s no cost to you. Bookings are essential.

Getting started

To find out more or to schedule an assessment, please contact your nearest centre:

Family safety is a vital part of the program. Our family safety practitioners will contact your family members to offer them support and assistance. We do this because people exposed to or affected by family violence also need support.

We also offer a Vietnamese Men’s Behaviour Change Program in Sunshine which is delivered in-language by our professional Vietnamese facilitators.


We run groups regularly. Each group runs for 20 x 2-hour sessions. Please contact us to express your interest and organise an intake assessment.

Free of charge. Bookings are essential as places are limited.
Contact our centres in Boronia, Cranbourne North, Kew, Sunshine and Shepparton for upcoming group locations.