Your feedback matters to us
We are committed to providing high-quality services that make a difference in the lives of our clients and their families. We welcome feedback from our clients, as it helps us to better work out what clients need, ensure that we are providing quality services and continuously improve our services.
About feedback
Our staff value positive feedback from clients.
We also welcome general feedback and suggestions on how we can improve our services, website, resources and centres.
About complaints
You have the right to make a complaint if you are not satisfied with the service you received from us. This includes whether you are dissatisfied with the behaviour of a staff member, or the way in which you were provided with the service.
How to give feedback or make a complaint
1. Tell our administration staff.
2. Talk to your practitioner or another Relationships Australia Victoria staff member.
3. Fill in the form at the bottom of this page.
4. Contact our Client Complaints and Feedback Officer directly. You can:
- Phone (03) 8573 2222
- Email [email protected]
- Write to us at:
Relationships Australia Victoria
P.O. Box 180, 2 Prospect Hill Road
Camberwell VIC 3124
General enquiries
If you have a question about our services, courses, training, careers or another topic not related to providing feedback, please use the general enquiry form on our contact page.
Frequently Asked Questions: Feedback and complaints
Australian Government Department of Social Services
Phone: 1800 634 035
Email: [email protected]
Write to: DSS Feedback, PO Box 9820, ACT 2601
early matters
Australian Government Department of Social Services
Phone: 1800 634 035
Email: [email protected]
Write to: DSS Feedback, PO Box 9820, ACT 2601
Family Advocacy and Support Services - Mental Health Support
Victoria Legal Aid
Phone: (03) 9280 3789
Email: [email protected]
Family dispute resolution (mediation)
Australian Government Department of Social Services
Phone: 1800 634 035
Email: [email protected]
Write to: DSS Feedback, PO Box 9820, ACT 2601
Family violence counselling and women's support
Victorian Government Department of Families, Fairness and Housing
Phone: 1300 884 706
Email: [email protected]
Write to: Complaints, GPO Box 4057, Melbourne, Victoria 3000
Forced Adoption Support Service
Australian Government Department of Social Services
Phone: 1800 634 035
Email: [email protected]
Write to: DSS Feedback, PO Box 9820, ACT 2601
headspace Bairnsdale, Sale and Wonthaggi
RAV is the managing agency, and Gippsland Primary Health Network (GPHN) is the contract manager.
If you have a complaint regarding a service provided or commissioned by GPHN you can raise this by:
• visiting https://gphn.org.au/contact-us
• calling (03) 5175 5444. If you hear a recorded message, please leave your name and number and you will receive a call back as soon as possible.
Australian Government Department of Social Services
Phone: 1800 634 035
Email:[email protected]
Write to: DSS Feedback, PO Box 9820, ACT 2601
Intercountry Adoptee and Family Support Service
Australian Government Department of Social Services
Phone: 1800 634 035
Email:[email protected]
Write to: DSS Feedback, PO Box 9820, ACT 2601
Men's Behaviour Change Program
Victorian Government Department of Families, Fairness and Housing
Phone: 1300 884 706
Email:[email protected]
Write to: Complaints, GPO Box 4057, Melbourne, Victoria 3000
Men's Behaviour Change Program (Corrections Victoria)
Victorian Government Department of Justice and Community Safety
Phone: (03) 8684 0000 or 1300 365 111 for regional callers
Visit: https://www.justice.vic.gov.au/feedback-complaints-and-compliments
Write to: Department of Justice and Community Safety, GPO Box 4356, Melbourne VIC 3001
Men's Case Management
Victorian Government Department of Families, Fairness and Housing
Phone: 1300 884 706
Email: [email protected]
Write to: Complaints, GPO Box 4057, Melbourne, Victoria 3000
Open Place
Victorian Government Department of Families, Fairness and Housing
Phone: 1300 884 706
Email: [email protected]
Write to: Complaints, GPO Box 4057, Melbourne, Victoria 3000
Australian Government Department of Social Services
Phone: 1800 634 035
Email: [email protected]
Write to: DSS Feedback, PO Box 9820, ACT 2601
Redress Support Services
Australian Government Department of Social Services
Phone: 1800 634 035
Email:[email protected]
Write to: DSS Feedback, PO Box 9820, ACT 2601
Support for Fathers project
Australian Government Department of Social Services
Phone: 1800 634 035
Email:[email protected]
Write to: DSS Feedback, PO Box 9820, ACT 2601
There are several possible outcomes:
- There may be a change to the way services are delivered to you.
- The matter may be resolved without significant changes to service delivery.
- Changes may be made to our policies or practices.
- An apology will be offered to you, if appropriate.
- Matters of a criminal nature will be referred to Victoria Police.
- If you made a complaint, we will advise you regarding further options if you are not happy with the outcome.
To tell us about a positive experience you’ve had with one of our services or practitioners, or to provide feedback that may lead to an improvement to one of our services or programs, you can:
- speak directly to your practitioner
- fill in the Feedback Form at the bottom of this page
- review the centre you attended on Google.
We want to hear from you if you:
- feel the services we are providing don’t meet your needs
- are unhappy about the way you have been treated
- feel your rights have not been considered
- have a suggestion about how we can improve our service, website or resources
- have used a service that you found particularly helpful or beneficial.
Your feedback will help us improve what we do. It may also help us to provide a better service for many other people too.