Relationships Australia Victoria is proud to have been accepted as an Associate Member of Mental Health Australia, the national peak advocacy body for the mental health sector.
As an organisation, we understand the strong link between mental health and healthy, safe and respectful relationships.
We support people of all ages with mental health issues, and in 2021-22, 33% of our clients had a mental health-related need. We know that mental health issues often intersect with other vulnerabilities and issues. These can include:
- relationship difficulties
- family violence
- family law conflicts
- disability
- disadvantage
- the impacts of natural disasters.
Our services, therefore, include both specialist mental health services, and support for mental health concerns through our general services.
We also provide professional training offerings including scheduled workshops and webinars, and on-demand customised training on topics such as managing mental health in the workplace, being a casual counsellor, and vicarious trauma.
As an Associate Member of Mental Health Australia, we will welcome opportunities to contribute to key national mental health and policy reforms, as well as continuing to advocate for the needs of Australians experiencing mental health issues, and their families.