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Eliminating Violence Against Women



Wednesday 25 November 2020 is the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and the start of the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence (16 Days) campaign.

One of the fundamental values we hold is that everyone has the right to feel safe and free from abuse and violence in their relationships. We work to support all people who are affected by all types of family violence.

While family violence can happen to anyone, some groups are more likely to experience it, including women, who are three times more likely to be killed by an intimate partner than men (ABS). For more information, visit the safe steps website.

To mark the dates above, we’re participating in the safe steps annual Walk Against Family Violence on 25 November. We encourage you to sign up to the walk, and invite you to join our group and (virtually) walk with us to raise awareness and show solidarity with people affected by family violence.

Coinciding with the 16 Days campaign, Respect Victoria and the Municipal Association of Victoria are delivering the  Respect Women: Call It Out initiative, designed to engage people in conversations about gender equality and respect, and ultimately, contribute to preventing all forms of gender-based violence. All 79 Victorian councils are taking part in this year’s initiative. Check out your local council website or social media pages to find out what’s happening in your area, and download free campaign resources here.


Need support?

If you feel unsafe right now, call emergency services on 000 (triple zero).

For 24/7 crisis support, call:

To find out how we can support you, click here.

For additional resources and support services, click here.