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Mental health support for Gippsland farming communities



We have welcomed the recent announcement from Victorian Minister for Mental Health Martin Foley of new funding for innovative mental health and wellbeing programs for drought affected farming communities in Gippsland.

Relationships Australia Victoria (RAV) will be one of eight partner agencies, led by Gippsland Lakes Community Health, working to improve access to services for people who may not usually seek out, or have easy access to assistance.

“We know the Gippsland community has had to deal with significant fire and drought conditions in recent times and this funding ensures they get the support they need to look after their mental health,” Minister Foley said.

The new services will include additional approaches to traditional centre-based counselling, to enable farmers who cannot leave the farm, or those who are isolated and unlikely to seek help, to do so.

These services will be in addition to the existing services provided by RAV’s Traralgon Centre, which include counselling, family dispute resolution, group work and community events for Gippsland residents working in farming, agriculture or living in rural or remote locations.

If you live in Gippsland, are finding it difficult to manage your situation or would like to talk about how we can help, call our Traralgon Centre on 1300 359 630 (local call cost) or (03) 5175 9500, or email us.