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Our Strategic Plan 2019-2023



It is with pleasure that we present our new Strategic Plan 2019-2023. Our plan has been developed collaboratively by our Board and managers, and with the involvement of our workforce.

It outlines our new vision, which is for positive, respectful safe and fulfilling relationships for all Australians. While we recognise that this vision is ambitious, we also know that it is worthwhile, as we believe that everyone has the right to have positive relationships, and that these relationships are fundamental to health and wellbeing.

Our plan also details our focus, strategic goals and objectives, as well as the core values that guide our work with clients, colleagues and stakeholders; inclusivity, respect, integrity, transparency, accountability, effectiveness and adaptability.

In planning for the coming four years, we have been cognisant of the diverse and increasingly complex needs of our clients, and changes within the community, sector and in government, which may impact upon our work.

As an organisation with more than 70 years’ experience, however, and with a history and culture of best practice, innovation and adaptability, we are confident that Relationships Australia Victoria is well-placed to respond to challenges and opportunities that may arise in the future.