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From our CEO: Season's greetings and thank you for your support in 2022



It has been another busy but successful year. Many of us have experienced challenges, particularly as a result of COVID-19. As the end of the year approaches, I want to acknowledge the resilience of our clients, colleagues, friends, stakeholders and community partners in navigating 2022. 

Andrew Bickerdike, a smiling middle-aged man of Anglo-Saxon descent, wearing a navy suit jacket and pale blue collared shirt





I’m proud of what Relationships Australia Victoria has achieved this year, which is a credit to our organisation and to our staff. They have and will always remain focused on our clients and their needs. It is also the result of the support of our clients, community agencies, consortium partners and funders. 

While there are many highlights from the year, some of our key achievements include that we:

On behalf of everyone at Relationships Australia Victoria, thank you for your support this year. I wish you a happy, safe and peaceful holiday season and new year, and we look forward to working with you in 2023.

Dr Andrew Bickerdike
Chief Executive Officer

An illustration of 8 smiling people, standing beneath a 'Season's Greetings' banner and holiday baubles

Our holiday centre closures

  • Saturday 24 December 2022 to Monday 2 January 2023: All our centres will be closed for the holidays. 

  • Tuesday 3 January 2023: All our centres and services will re-open. 

If you need additional help during this time, you can contact one of the services listed below, who are open throughout the holiday period. 



Emergency and crisis support

If you or someone you know is in immediate distress or danger, call emergency services now on 000 (triple zero). 

If you need to chat to someone urgently for support, the following organisations are staying open over the holidays and are available to help.