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A preventative approach to mental health and wellbeing: Strengthening relationships and social connections



18 March 2025

In 2024, we completed a project with the Centre for Community Child Health (CCCH) to inform how we could best influence systems to support children and families as part of our prevention and early intervention strategy.

This project included an evidence review and co-design process and identified several opportunities to influence positive systems change based on research evidence and community consultation.

'The evidence is clear, relationships and social connections are fundamental to health and wellbeing. This is especially true for families in the early years.'
Sandra Opoku, Senior Manager Evaluation and Social Impact.

There is an increased recognition of the need for preventative, place-based approaches to addressing increasingly complex social challenges in Australia. Investing in prevention can lead to better outcomes for families and communities, reduce long-term health and social costs, and build stronger communities. The review strongly supports a preventative focus on strengthening relationships, both as a protective factor and a foundation for long-term wellbeing.

In response to the evidence review and the existing strengths of our early matters service in Ballarat (see page 16 of our evidence review below), in 2025 we will pilot a preventative and place-based approach to improve wellbeing. This pilot will highlight the importance of strengthening social connections in addition to the evidence-based parenting programs, education sessions, and one-to-one support we already provide.

This pilot will build on the evidence-base for preventative approaches to mental health promotion and the long-term wellbeing of communities.


The project has produced three reports which are available below.

In the evidence review, CCCH found that relationships are fundamental to wellbeing across the lifespan. Secure and responsive relationships provide the foundation for emotional regulation, social skills, resilience, and long-term mental and physical health. The quality of these relationships shapes expectations of social interactions, influences social and emotional development, and provides a buffer against stress and adversity.

For children to grow and develop optimally, their core needs must be met. According to the review, these needs are largely relational for both parents and children, particularly in the early years. The report highlights that access to supportive relationships - whether within families, peer networks, or communities - is a core condition for wellbeing, reinforcing the role of relationships in primary prevention. 

The options paper provides an overview of findings from 2 stakeholder workshops. The first workshop shared information from the evidence review and gathered insights from local stakeholders. The second workshop refined and prioritised these strategies into actionable options.

A third report was created for workshop participants and provides an overview of the project, the evidence review and options paper reports.