Family and parenting support services
If you need additional family and parenting support, these external services can help.
Carers Australia - National peak body representing Australian carers.
Early Childhood Australia - Peak organisation for early childhood advocacy.
Family Relationship Advice Line - A national telephone service that assists families affected by relationship or marriage breakdown. Phone 1800 050 321
Family Relationships Online - Resources about family relationship issues including separation and divorce.
headspace – Information for friends and family of young people aged 12-25.
Parentline - A phone counselling support service for parents and carers of children aged 0-18 years, providing advice on parenting after separation, disagreement about parenting strategies between care givers, child behaviour and development, child/parent conflict, family violence, bullying and parental stress. Phone 1300 301 300
Parents of Gender Diverse Children – Information, resources and peer support for parents and caregivers of gender diverse children.
Raising Children Network - Resources for parents.
Rainbow Families Victoria (Facebook) - Supports and promotes equality for rainbow families; parents, carers and prospective parents who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, gender diverse or intersex; and their children.
ReachOut Parents – self-help content, community forums and one-on-one support with a professional family and parenting coach.
Services Australia – Separated Parents - Support and information to help separated parents with their family situation.
Stepfamilies Australia - Online and telephone support for stepfamilies.
Support for Fathers - Providing dads with options and information about fatherhood, the relationship with their partner and connecting with their kids.
Tweddle - Child Family Health Service - Early intervention and prevention health service.
Victorian Government: Families and Children – The department offers programs to help Victorians create safe and caring homes and communities for all families and children.
Disclaimer: The list above provides links to external family and parenting support services. While every effort is made to check the content and accuracy of the websites RAV links to, we take no responsibility for information contained on websites that are maintained by other organisations. RAV is not endorsing or associated with any of the services listed on this page.
Other support services