Multicultural services
External services and information for culturally and linguistically diverse communities.
City of Melbourne Multicultural Services - Multilingual information lines, programs for international students, and a Multicultural Hub as a place to meet, interact and collaborate.
Embrace Multicultural Mental Health – Website with information in multiple languages for people from culturally and linguistically diverse communities.
Ethnic Communities Council of Victoria (ECCV) - A state-wide, peak advocacy body representing ethnic and multicultural communities in Victoria.
Health Translations – Directory of translated information about health and wellbeing for culturally and linguistically diverse communities.
inTouch Multicultural Centre Against Family Violence - Culturally sensitive family violence support for women and children from migrant and refugee backgrounds. Provides case management, immigration and legal support services. Phone (03) 8413 6800
Multicultural Health Connect - A national helpline to help people in multicultural communities get health information and advice. Phone 1800 186 815
Victorian Multicultural Commission – Supporting and advocating for culturally and linguistically diverse Victorians.
Disclaimer: The list above provides links to external services and information for culturally and linguistically diverse communities. While every effort is made to check the content and accuracy of the websites RAV links to, we take no responsibility for information contained on websites that are maintained by other organisations. RAV is not endorsing or associated with any of the services listed on this page.
Other support services