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A group of teenagers sitting next to each other smiling.

Respect and Connect

A skills-based schools’ program to improve students’ understanding of healthy relationships, gender equality, managing emotions and communication skills.

We have been delivering our innovative healthy relationships and mental wellbeing program to schools across Victoria since 2014. Formerly called 'I like, like you’, this 4-session Respect and Connect program provides a supported environment for students to undertake interactive, skills-based activities that help to:  

  • build social and emotional learning which is a foundation for preventing family violence and enhancing mental wellbeing
  • increase awareness of healthy relationships
  • promote gender equality
  • improve communication skills and self-awareness.

We continually evaluate and strengthen the evidence base of the program and adapt it to the emerging needs of students and schools. Sessions are delivered by qualified facilitators who hold Working with Children Checks and are experienced in working with young people and responding to their wellbeing needs.

Program content aligns with the Victorian Government Department of Education and Training’s Respectful Relationships Curriculum; and the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority’s (ACARA) Personal and Social Capability, and Mental Health and Wellbeing, curriculum.



Delivered over 4, weekly sessions. Please contact us to discuss your school’s needs.

We’re currently able to offer a limited number of subsidised delivery packages to secondary schools within Melbourne and invite you to contact us to discuss how we can support your students’ needs.
Onsite at your school.

Why choose us?

  • Respect and Connect uniquely addresses the link between healthy relationships, family violence prevention and mental health and wellbeing.
  • The program content aligns with the Victorian Government’s Respectful Relationships curriculum and the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority's (ACARA) Personal and Social Capability, and Mental Health and Wellbeing, curriculum.
  • The program is research and evidence-informed, based on 75 years of experience delivering relationship-based services, and continually evaluated to meet emerging needs.
  • Sessions are delivered by qualified and experienced facilitators who have experience working with young people and with a focus on wellbeing.
  • Relationships Australia Victoria has provided the program since 2014 to over 3,500 students as well as faculty and parents.
Read about our commitment to child and youth safety

Program topics

Session 1 - Healthy relationships

  • How to identify red, orange and green flags
  • Healthy, unhealthy and abusive relationships
  • Your own needs and values

Session 2 - Gender equality

  • What are gender stereotypes?
  • How can gender stereotypes impact relationships?

Session 3 - Emotional intelligence

  • What are emotional intelligence skills?
  • How can we learn to manage our emotions?

Session 4 - Effective communication

  • How to handle conflict
  • Challenging online hate and creating a positive online world
  • When a relationship ends


Program feedback

  • 'The program affirms and supports other conversations and activities the students do in the curriculum. Gives students an opportunity to have a voice, to consolidate learning about respectful relationships and communication.' - Educator
  • 'I learned that emotional intelligence is being aware of your feelings and emotions and knowing how to control them.' - Student
  • 'Communication is crucial in a relationship.' - Student


Contact us

For more information about Respect and Connect, including how programs can be customised to meet the needs of your school and students:

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