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A man wearing a white shirt with a green tie sitting at a desk with a disgruntled look on his face.

Vicarious Trauma

Understand the nature and impact of vicarious trauma and learn strategies to reduce your risk of experiencing it.

Psychological trauma can occur when a person is unable to cope with a distressing or overwhelming event.

Clinicians, frontline staff, supervisors, managers and other professionals can experience vicarious trauma when hearing about another person’s trauma and witnessing their associated distress. Over time, this work-related exposure to clients’ trauma can have a significant impact on health and wellbeing. 

This workshop will explore different types of trauma, and how they can impact staff and organisations. Factors that enhance and undermine resilience will be discussed. We will also outline strategies that you can use to manage vicarious trauma and maintain your wellbeing at work, and at home. 

Learning outcomes

At the end of this workshop, you'll be able to: 

  • understand the nature and impact of vicarious trauma 
  • identify tools for monitoring your own and others’ personal and professional wellbeing 
  • identify strategies to reduce your risk, and the risk of others, of experiencing vicarious trauma 
  • recognise the signs and symptoms that may indicate vicarious trauma is affecting your wellbeing and work 
  • incorporate practices that support resilience and sustainability into your work routines.

Ideal for

Organisations, employees and clinicians from all sectors who work with or support clients who are experiencing challenging circumstances.

Contact us

Training and Development Team
Phone: (03) 8573 2222
Email: [email protected]


No workshops are currently scheduled. Please contact us directly to express your interest.

We can provide this workshop either online or face-to-face.