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Two women with olive skin tones facing each other and clasping hands. Their faces are not shown.

You Are Not Alone (YANA)

A free, 8-week online support group for women who have been impacted by family violence and would like to join with other women to express themselves as well as regain their sense of self through learning, sharing, connecting and creating.

In this group there will be a chance to talk about your experiences and to learn from others and from educational material about the following:

  • Developing/building on strategies for strengthening resilience
  • Rebuilding or establishing trust in your family
  • Understanding family violence and its impacts on women and their children
  • Strategies to create or re-establish healthy parent/child relationships
  • Skills to manage and support children’s behaviours and emotions
  • Positive and strengths-based approaches to moving forwards
  • Offering hope and empowerment for a new future.

Women who have been involved in similar groups have found that it is a helpful way to learn more about their rights and support options, and to rebuild their identity and begin to heal.


Who can attend?

Women affected by family violence who live in the following local government areas: Bacchus Marsh, Boroondara, Brimbank, Cardinia, Casey-North, Casey-South, Dandenong, Hobsons Bay, Keilor, Manningham, Melbourne, Melton, Monash or Shepparton.


8 x weekly 2-hour group sessions. No groups are currently scheduled.

Contact us

To find out more or express your interest, complete the form at the bottom of this page or contact us via:


No groups are currently scheduled.

Free of charge. Bookings are essential.