Workplace mediation
Workplace mediation is a confidential and structured process used to help organisations resolve workplace issues and conflict.
Acting as an independent and impartial third party, we help to facilitate open discussions between employees, supporting them to defuse difficult situations and resolve disagreements.
This is a voluntary process in which all parties consent to participate.
Mediation can help in situations where:
- employees are in conflict or experiencing other issues in the workplace, such as misunderstandings, differing opinions or other workplace-related issues. situational issues
- the issues or conflict do not involve misconduct or a breach of company values/policies, involving a formal investigation.
An independent facilitator can support employees in conflict to have a structured but informal conversation and work towards a resolution.
Our expertise
Relationships Australia Victoria has over 40 years’ experience delivering mediation and family dispute resolution services.
Our mediators are qualified professionals with at least 2 years’ experience, and expertise in workplace mediation. They are nationally accredited by the Attorney General’s Department or the National Mediation Accreditation System (NMAS).
How does the process work?
Before mediation
One of our qualified mediators will contact the stakeholder within the workplace who coordinating the mediation process, to discuss the issues and the context of the conflict.
Our mediator will then contact each party involved and conduct a pre-mediation consultation process, to ensure that mediation is appropriate for the situation and individuals involved. This involves asking questions about the workplace dispute to obtain more information, enhance your understanding of the mediation process and identify if any further supports or considerations are needed.
If mediation is considered to be appropriate and all parties consent to the process, the mediator will coordinate and schedule a mediation session.
During mediation
During the session, the mediator facilitates a structured conversation between the parties who are in conflict. Mediators don’t control what is discussed. Rather, the parties decide what to talk about and determine what decisions are made.
The mediator acts impartially and independently to facilitate the discussion and manage the process and ensure the ability of the parties involved to communicate and negotiate.
Mediators do not provide legal advice, make decisions for the parties or advocate on behalf of a party.
After mediation
After the mediation session is complete, our mediator will notify the organisation’s key stakeholders to advise that the session has been conducted. No details from the session will be shared.
If additional support is needed, we will discuss this with you at this time.
Getting started
Please contact us for more information on the process or to discuss how we can support your staff.
Read more about our services

Workplace support services
We offer conflict resolution, critical incident debriefing and customised training services to support workplaces.

Conflict resolution
We support workplaces that are currently experiencing or are likely to experience conflict between employees, managers or members of governance committees.

Critical incident debriefing
We offer group debriefing, individual counselling and management training to help workplaces and organisations respond to critical incidents.

Customised training
Talk to us about how our customised training solutions can be tailored to meet the needs of your workplace or organisation.

Accredited training
Gain a nationally recognised skill set by enrolling in one of our accredited courses in family dispute resolution, relationship counselling, mediation, or integrative couple therapy.

Clinical supervision
Our experienced supervisors are available to support qualified counsellors, psychologists, social workers, family dispute resolution practitioners (FDRPs), mediators, and practitioners working in related fields.

Dads in the workplace
Delivered through our Support for Fathers initiative, this program provides workshops and peer sessions to help employers support dads at work.

Leadership coaching
We can provide tailored leadership or professional coaching services, led by qualified coaching staff, practitioners and professionals.

Self-paced courses
Our online, self-paced short courses are designed to help you to further your skills in your own time, from the comfort of your own workspace.

Training workshops
We provide interactive, research and evidence-led workshops for professionals in the community, health and education sectors.

Webinar program
Learn from nationally and internationally renowned experts on a diverse range of topics relevant to private, corporate and government professionals and organisations.