Conflict resolution
We support workplaces that are currently experiencing or are likely to experience conflict between employees, managers or members of governance committees.
Workplace conflict is associated with decreased productivity and increased absenteeism for employees directly involved in the conflict, but it can also impact other employees when the conflict affects the culture and workplace environment.
We currently deliver a diverse range of mediation, conflict resolution and conciliation services, including within workplaces.
Dispute resolution
With over 35 years’ experience delivering conflict resolution services and support, we can provide independent, confidential and impartial dispute resolution, including mediation, group facilitation, and workplace conferencing.
Our mediators are:
- Qualified and professional, with two years’ experience in the sector
- Trained and hold expertise in workplace mediation
- Nationally-accredited by the Attorney General’s Department or the National Mediation Accreditation System (NMAS)
- Adept at resolving disputes in a range of settings, including within businesses, organisations, agencies, not-for-profit organisations, and community-based services
- Impartial
- Provided regular supervision and ongoing professional development and training.
Consultation and advice
Consultation and advice on conflict prevention and early intervention strategies, including through the development of effective grievance policies and procedures, and developing and implementing responses to issues such as workplace bullying.
Climate analysis
Workplace climate analyses are designed to support workplaces to plan for the future operationally and strategically, through anonymous staff surveys that assess workplace elements such as staff engagement, culture and satisfaction. We can support workplaces to develop, analyse and report on climate surveys, as well as identify recommendations and future improvement opportunities.
Get started
Contact us to find out more or talk about how our services can help with conflict resolution and support your workplace and employees.
Read more about our services

Critical incident debriefing
We offer group debriefing, individual counselling and management training to help workplaces and organisations respond to critical incidents.

Customised training
Talk to us about how our customised training solutions can be tailored to meet the needs of your workplace or organisation.

Accredited training
Gain a nationally recognised skill set by enrolling in one of our accredited courses in family dispute resolution, relationship counselling, mediation, or integrative couple therapy.

Clinical supervision
Our experienced supervisors are available to support qualified counsellors, psychologists, social workers, family dispute resolution practitioners (FDRPs), mediators, and practitioners working in related fields.

Dads in the workplace
Delivered through our Support for Fathers initiative, this program provides workshops and peer sessions to help employers support dads at work.

Leadership coaching
We can provide tailored leadership or professional coaching services, led by qualified coaching staff, practitioners and professionals.

Self-paced courses
Our online, self-paced short courses are designed to help you to further your skills in your own time, from the comfort of your own workspace.

Training workshops
We provide interactive, research and evidence-led workshops for professionals in the community, health and education sectors.

Webinar program
Learn from nationally and internationally renowned experts on a diverse range of topics relevant to private, corporate and government professionals and organisations.

Workplace mediation
We help to facilitate open discussions between employees, supporting them to defuse difficult situations and resolve disagreements.